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A simple food based social media network built with Python and Django for a group project in a software engineering class. Designed to work on all devices and deployed to Google Cloud in a mySQL database.

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A simple to do list built with Python and the Django framework. Allows users to log in and keep a todo list connected to Postgres database.

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Samsung Smart Remote

A remote circuit and webpage built using Node-MCU, C++, Node-Red, and Javascript. Controls my old Smasung TV that does not have smart functions like newer TVs

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Dallas Stars Goal Light

Simple Python script that checks with the NHL API for Dallas Stars hockey games and publishes a message to a mqtt topic when they score or win to light up a LED light I have.

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My Linux Server

A dedicated always-on Linux machine that provides services on my home network. Includes a file server for back ups, databases for smart sensors, DNS server, VPN, and many more services. Source code not available online because of conifdential network infomation.

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Smart Home Climate Sensor

A circuit built with a ESP8266 board and a BM280 sensor. Collects temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure and reports results every five minutes to my Linux server via MQTT.

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Personal Website

My static personal website created with HTML/CSS and Bootstrap library. Currently hosted through Namecheap shared hosting service.